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Gems of Wisdom
Jun. 01, 2023
Is your child getting their fresh air fix?
This week, i
nspired by the headmistress of a London girls' school,
I would like you to ask you this: is your child affected by Nature Deficit Disorder? Is too much time being spent indoors, perhaps looking at a screen or even studying? Should you be encouraging an escape from the urban jungle in pursuit of fresh air? Ask your child to take the Jumping Yak quiz to find out.
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Jun. 21, 2022
To Read or Not to Read: Fact or Fiction?
In every class and in every school there are "the readers" - children who effortlessly devour books, one after another, never seeming to lose their love of books - and then there are the "reluctant" readers, those who struggle to find a subject matter of interest or a style that they enjoy. Often the reluctant readers will hook onto a series of books that are not "on the list", but we fail to recognise when they do this, that they have cleared a massive hurdle: to read or not to read.
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Nov. 25, 2021
Secrets of Comprehension
Comprehension. It seems to strike fear in many children's minds. They wonder… “Will I understand it? Will the text be too complicated? Will I have enough time to finish all the questions?"
Some useful suggestions to help your child tackle comprehension tests head-on are listed here.
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Feb. 16, 2020
Parenting and Education - A Selection of Books
Parenting can be hard work and while we may not always get it right, we set out to do our best. This selection of "parenting" books covers a broad range of opinion, and all of them will give you food for thought: I think in this list, there is something for everyone.
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